First Night Out – Without Baby!

Mr. Baby is almost 2 month old now (eekk! Time is flying!)  I have avoided going anywhere without him for the last two months.  I have left him with Dad while I made a quick run to the grocery store.  He has also stayed with each Grandma for about an hour without me or my husband.  But tonight, we will be gone for AT LEAST 5-6 hours!!!

This is the longest I will go without seeing him.  We are leaving him with Grandma, and I know she is capable of looking after him.  Obviously, she had her own kids and raised them, but I’m terrified.

I like to believe I’m not one of those crazy moms. (Maybe I am and I just don’t know it?)  I feel bad that I’m not going to be there when he cries.  I have always been there to comfort him.  And, I track just about EVERYTHING he does.  Go ahead and ask me how many dirty diapers he had 16 days ago.  I will be able to give you an answer!  I bought an app that lets me track everything from feedings, diaper changes, sleep, and activity time.  Hmm, now that I think about it, maybe I am crazy?  And possibly a control freak?

Also, he has a slight diaper rash right now.  I have been treating it and it has gotten better, but will I look like a bad mom in Grandma’s eyes because of this?  I sure hope not, but I can’t help thinking I will be judged.  How dare I let my child get a diaper rash!

I’m not sure how many diapers to pack or bottles to prepare.  And I know what you’re thinking….how can I not know if I track everything he does?  I should have a pretty good idea right?  WRONG!  What if tonight is the night that he decided to poop every hour, or what if he is extra hungry tonight?!  (quick note:  I always over pack for ANYTHING)  How many change of clothes should I pack?  He has a slight reflux issue and spits up A LOT!  Sometimes I change him 3 times throughout the night.  Maybe three should suffice then?

I knew eventually I would have to leave him with someone else, it just seems like the time has flown by.  I have about 25 more days until I go back to work, so I guess this will be a good practice run for when I do go back.  I won’t be able to check in constantly with a daycare, so tonight I will make sure to limit myself to only once an hour!  I’m just kidding, about the once an hour.  I will however feel the need to check in at some point.

Happy Weekend Everyone!

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