Essential Oils – Anxious Awaiting Mine!

My friend went to an Essential Oils party about 6 months ago.  She told me all about the so-called benefits.  The whole concept of using oils was new to me, and sounded crazy!  I told her to keep me updated on how it worked out for her.

Fast forward a few months, and I see more and more hype about these oils.  I begin to do some research.  The benefits seem great, but it is a “pyramid” type business.  (At least the few companies that I knew of.)  Of course I’m still leary.

Still, the hype continues.  I read and research more.  A co-worker of mine mentions that she has been using a few of the oils.  She has a very positive experience.  I ask my friend who initially told me about oils.  She is in love with them!  Neither of these two are selling the products so it’s not like me buying them would benefit them in any way!

I did more reasearch, but this time on the companies.  I narrowed it down to two.  I contacted reps from each (neither of them I knew personally.)  I had a very hard time getting answers from one company’s rep.  I ordered through the company I felt most confident in.

I am not impatiently waiting for my first order of oils to come in.  I can’t wait to try them out and give my feedback!

Does anyone else use oils everyday?  I’m extremely excited about the health benefits!