One Reason Losing weight with a Toddler is Challenging

My little man is turning one in about two weeks.  While I’m not far from my “pre-pregnancy” weight, everything is not sitting where it used to.

I probably need to lose 5-8 lbs to be at the weight I used to be before I got pregnant.  But ideally, I would like to be as toned (if not more toned) than pre-pregnancy me.

So tomorrow is my day to start my journey.  (I have had a lot of “tomorrow” starts, but it’s really happening tomorrow.)

The past couple of weeks I have been trying to track my food in myfitnesspal.  I’m wasn’t trying to count calories, but I was trying to make myself more aware of how much I was eating.

Aside from always being hungry, my BIGGEST problem seems to be my son’s meal times!!  While cutting up his meals, I will have a little taste (of everything!!)  All of those bites really add up!  He doesn’t finish his applesauce?  No problem!!! I’ll have the rest.  Why would I just throw it away!

Mind you, I’m not saying this is the sole reason for my weight.  The obvious would be my extreme hunger and my non-existent work out routine. 

I will stop tasting and finishing all of his food! That’s what fathers are for!! 🙂