Welcome to the World of Motherhood

My husband and I got married in 2011.  We decided we did not want to start a family right away.  We were young (23 & 25) when we got married, and just wanted to enjoy being married first.


Fast forward to February 2014 – Our pregnancy test came back positive!  We were overjoyed and overwhelmed all at the same time.  This was a planned pregnancy, but it doesn’t quite hit home until you get the positive test.

Fast forward again to October 20, 2014 – We welcomed a bouncing baby boy into our family.  It’s time to bring this bundle of joy home from the hospital.  As soon as the release papers are signed, I start to have a mini panic attack.  They are letting my husband and I take home a baby, and we are now responsible for another human being! And, he does not come with instructions!!!!!!!  Shouldn’t there be some kind of test we need to pass first?!?!

Over the 9 months that I was pregnant, I had a million people offering me “advice” on parenting.

  • Sleep now, once the baby is here you will never have time to sleep….EVER AGAIN!!
  • Take some time for yourself now, once the baby is here you will never have time to yourself….EVER AGAIN!!!
  • Enjoy meals now, once the baby is here you will never be able to enjoy a hot meal….EVER AGAIN!!!

You get where this is going…  Everyone made it seem like I would never have time for anything EVER AGAIN.  Life as I knew it would change forever.  My husband and I often joked about all of these comments while I was pregnant.  Anytime my husband would be watching a TV show, I would jokingly tell him not to get used to watching TV because he would NEVER have time once the baby was here.  Now that the baby is here, I realize that I really do have a limited amount of time to do ANYTHING!

Motherhood brought a new love into my life.  A love that I cannot put into words.  I always chuckled at the people who would say “I can’t describe the love you have once you have a child.”  Now, I am one of those people saying it!!

With every milestone, comes a challenge.  And we are ready for this crazy ride called parenthood!!
