Our First “School Year” at Daycare!

Our district went back to school this past Monday.  Aside from there being more traffic in the morning, I figured this really wouldn’t effect on my family.

Boy was I ever wrong!!

I get to daycare Tuesday afternoon, and I get “that look” from the teacher.  The look that means, we have something to tell you and you’re not going to like it.  I’m past, it’s been simple things like him not wanting to eat all if his bottles.  But Tuesday, that was not the case.   They had noticed his eye was slightly red and watery.

Not wanting to wait until morning for it to get worse, I took him to a children’s after hours walk-in office.  He had pink eye.

Wrestling with a 10 month old to get drops in his eyes us no picnic.  Of course he doesn’t understand it’s going to make him feel better.  He screamed so loud that I’m sure the neighbors heard.

Wednesday morning comes and he has a high fever and I also feel like I’ve been hit by a bus.  His eye is looking better though! 


He was sick the rest of the week.  I would say by Friday afternoon he started to play and act himself more.  Today he was on the go ago!

I, however, have not gotten better.  And i woke up with pink eye, despite my best effotd to sanitize everything!  He fid not understand to not touch his face.  This is my first time being sick with a infa-tod that doesn’t stop!

Our first official school year has started off rocky, but I have learned one thing.  Stock up on those viatimin C gummies!!
