How Did Our Parents Manage to Keep Us Alive Back Then

The list of things you should or should not do change as soon as you get pregnant.  You should eat more of this is you want your child to be smart, or you shouldn’t eat this because it could harm the baby.  If you do a quick search on the internet, you will find so many lists of things you cannot eat while pregnant.  For nine months, you place yourself on some sort of ‘diet’ and avoid these foods.  Nine months isn’t so long.  My main foods that I had to limit due to pregnancy was Tuna and Ham Sandwiches.  Oddly enough, I craved ham sandwiches with mayo,  but pre-pregnancy me despised ham.

As I went over the list of food that I should avoid or limit, my mom kept saying “I didn’t have to worry about that when I was pregnant.”  So that brought up my question. “How did I manage to make it to the age of 27, when my own mother didn’t have these restrictions when she was pregnant.”  “Could all of these foods really be that bad?”  “Has food changed  in the last 27 years?”

I don’t actually have the answer to these question.  I felt I should warn you, because these questions will not be answered in this post (or any future posts!)

I listened to the doctors and did what was recommended in “this day and age.”  And I managed to give birth to a healthy baby!  Whew!!!…Dodged a bullet there!  Then I realized I was going to try and breastfeed (yes, I realized I failed to lack of self control.)  So for the first few weeks, I again needed to watch what I ate.  It was short lived to a cow’s milk sensitivity in my little guy.

Fast forward- He’s finally at the age to start trying foods!  Of course, I take to the internet to find out how much/how often.  You know, the general questions.  My mom, MIL, and grandmas have been telling me to start off with rice cereal.  Upon researching, I find that we should now forgo the rice cereal.  It’s empty calories and serves no purpose.  It will just make him gain weight.  Hmmm…I know childhood obesity is on the rise, could it be avoided by not giving him rice cereal?!!  That’s silly, he’s a baby.

I decide to not do the rice cereal.  We will go straight onto purees.  I later find out that some are now skipping purees all together!  I’m totally overwhelmed.  I didn’t do enough research before I brought this living being into my world.  Have I failed as a parent already?!?!

IMG_2529I feel like THAT parent who ONLY gives their kid fast food.  *Sigh*  My husband and I both had purees as babies, I’m guessing this isn’t going to be my biggest fail as a parent, right?

Next, the moms and  grandmas are asking about giving him juice.  “Have you tried juice yet?”  “When can he have juice?”

I have not given it to him yet.  I feel he should be able to handle it soon, but I’m going to do my research first.  I can’t make another mistake with his feeding!  Turns out, even baby juice is frowned upon now.  There is too much sugar in it.  *Sigh*  I shouldn’t even water it down, when he is old enough I should opt for fruit infused water.

With all of these  new precautions and dietary recommendations, how on Earth did I manage to make it through my childhood?!?  Who decides on these “new rules,” and how do I know that they won’t change again.

Sorry little guy, Mom let you eat purees.  He likes it and I’m going to continue on with it!

4 thoughts on “How Did Our Parents Manage to Keep Us Alive Back Then

  1. I totally sympathize! My Little Boy is also starting solid food, and after reading all the various contradicting opinions, I decided to just do what made sense. For us, that includes rice cereal and purees. It helped that our pediatrician is really laid-back about it. He gave us just two rules at Little Boy’s 6-month appointment: no honey ’til one, and be careful that he doesn’t choke.

    At some point, you just have to do the best job you can.


    • That’s great that your pediatrician is laid back! Mine was totally fine with giving purees as well. As long as he was still getting enough formula. Who knew the little things would cause so much stress! 🙂


  2. I was also completely stressed by this as well. I could not believe the list of foods that I could not eat. I also craved cold cuts like you would not believe. We started our daughter on solids early because she had such a huge appetite & my breasts just were not doing the trick. There are far too many rules. Use your best instincts. Mamas know more than they think.


    • That’s what I have been trying to do- use my instincts. They wouldn’t continue to sell products if they were harmful to babies! I’m sure with my second I won’t be as stressed. Nice to know I’m not the only one who struggled with this!


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