No Rest for the Weary – Working Mom & Full Time Mommy

I’ve been back to work for a solid 3 months now.  So it’s safe to say we have gotten into the swing of a routine during the week.

On a good day, the alarm goes off and I get ready for work.  I get up early enough to leave enough time for a feed before it’s out the door to daycare/work.  A quick stop at daycare and I’m off on my 45 minute commute.  I work through lunch since I can no longer stay late.  I then make my 45 minute commute back to daycare and then home.  We get home and my little guy eats and has his bottle.  I quickly inhale some dinner.  Now it’s playtime! This is the highlight of my day.  We get about an hour and half before it’s time to start our bedtime routine.  After I lay him down for the night, I wash dishes and get everything prepared to do this all again the next day.

The routine is pretty easy to follow.  He wake up more some nights than others.  Everyday, I am exhausted!

I feel like anytime I get a free second I need to be accomplishing one of the many chores that I fail to get to on a regular basis.  Laundry is ALWAYS behind.

The weekends seem to be filled with family visits.  I am not complaining by any means.  I feel very blessed to have family close and family who want to be a part of his life.  It’s funny how before we had our little man, we could go weeks without anyone asking to visit.  Now, we seem to be in high demand. (I see where we rank!!)

I spend the rest of my weekend grocery shopping and cleaning.  I keep promising myself every weekend that I will TRY so much harder this upcoming week to maintain the house better.  This way, I won’t have to spend hours on the weekends cleaning up.  Ahhh, how nice would a few hours on a Sunday be to just relax.  Just have a lazy Sunday.  A lazy Sunday…HA!  I have yet to keep this promise to myself.


My mom keeps telling me, “If your house is spotless, then you’re not spending enough time with the baby.”  According the status of my house. I’m spending ALL of my time with the baby!  Every weekend, if a stranger walked in, I bet they would assume I was robbed and they trashed the place!

I need some organization in my life.  I also need some tips on how other working moms hold it together.  How do I be a good mom, keep up the house, be a good wife, and still find time for myself?  Oh, and sleep.  How does anyone catch up on sleep??

If one more person at work says, “Wow, you look tired today!”  I’m going to punch them!  That’s just a nice way to tell me I look like crap!  I get it!

Someone out there give this tired momma some tips!

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