Stop Making it Seem Like Working Moms Have it Easy

My social media has been flooded the past few days with Stay at Home Mom posts.  Blog articles stating the disadvantages to being a SAHM.  Facebook posts about how hard they have it.

First, before I even go on, I would like to say I do FULLY agree that staying home all day everyday would be very rough.  And no, not everyone is cut out for it.

Many of the articles I read made very valid points.

  • Most, if not all, recognized that being able to stay home with the little ones is a privilege.  This is so true, not everyone can afford to only have one income.  Or, in the case of the single mom, not have an income.
  • Having very little adult interaction.  This too is very true.  When I was on maternity leave, I did find that I would sometimes crave an adult conversation after being home straight for an entire week.
  • Not having a reason to wear “real/cute clothes.”  Another thing I also noticed while I was home for 3 months.  Most days, I would be lucky to wear something other than pj/yoga pants.  I would feel accomplished the days that I showered and put on jeans!
  • Worrying about getting back into the work force.  This was one thing I was worried about when making the choice whether or not to stay home or go back to work.  If I took time off, do I have to start over at an entry level position when I go back?  Will employers be understanding as to why I took time off from working?

Points that the articles made that are true, but not just for SAHM:

  • Not ever being able to have “me” time.  Agreed, SAHMs probably have little time for themselves, but the same goes for working moms.  It’s unfair to count our time at work as “me” time.  While I’m at work, I actually get very little time to myself.  Now that I’m a mother, I have to eat my lunch at my desk so that I can get out as early as possible to get home to my baby.  Going out to lunch is few and far between.  And even if I do go out to lunch, it’s with work colleagues.  It’s not like I am sitting around a table with my girlfriends having margaritas and gossiping.  Also, I feel that working moms have more guilt when they do take anytime to themselves.  Since I am away from my child 10.5 hrs a day, 5 days a week.  I feel guilty if I am not spending every available second with him.  How can I take a half an hour to an hour for myself to even work out?  That’s just more time I am not spending with him.  People may start to question why I bothered to have a child if I can’t spend an adequate amount of time with him.  The same goes for having a night out with my husband, that is just more time that the  babyis with someone else.  So SAHMs may not have as much time to themselves as they used to, but working moms don’t have time either.  Sometimes, I’m lucky to change out of my work clothes by 10pm.
  • Being a SAHM is a 24/7 job.  This is a good point to make if you’re trying to justify why you are staying home to someone who doesn’t have a child.  But to us working moms, we get it.  Yes, we have a 40/50 hours a week job.  That job does end and we do get “off” days, but when we come home we start job #2.  Just because I’m working, it doesn’t magically make my house clean or the laundry done.  There is forever a pile of dishes piling up.  SAHMs may struggle with trying to keep up with all of their chores.  So do we.  The only difference is, SAHMs will probably feel more pressure to have all the chores caught up at any point.  I also feel compelled to keep up with the chores.  Chores take time away from m child.  See point above.  Chores are now my “me” time.  Chores are something that I have to get done while the baby naps/sleeps.


After reading some of the comments on these blog posts and on social media, I felt angry.  I know that was not the point of these comments and articles.  SAHMs do have it tough too.  All moms do.  Working moms are not looking down on SAHMs and saying they have it easy.  Some aspects may be easier because they are home, but it does create other obstacles.  I just want it to be known that working moms do not pick going back to work as a way to get out of raising their children.  It is hard working and being a mom.  Your work is never done.  Being a Mom in general is challenging, but it is the most rewarding challenge.

All moms are doing the best they can.  We all deserve some guilt free time to ourselves.

9 thoughts on “Stop Making it Seem Like Working Moms Have it Easy

  1. First of all, let me applaud you on channeling your frustration into a well written piece that explains your very valid point of view, rather than writing some nasty comment on the bottom of one of the posts you read. This is SO MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE than throwing whoever wrote the post under the bus, because it opens up a dialog and helps everyone understand where the other person is coming from.

    Second, you hit the nail on the head when you said it’s hard for everybody. We all have different challenges, and trying to compare one to the other is pointless. You are a good mama as it stands now, and you would be a good mama if you were a SAHM, too. As you know, no matter what you’d be busy, busy, busy, and finding “me time” in either situation is difficult, at best.

    Lastly, you touched on such an interesting point about guilt. Even as a SAHM I feel guilty if I take time away, because I feel like I’m not doing my “job,” which seems stupid, but it’s true. There’s no winning until we can all get rid of the guilt. I hope you get a guilt-free gym visit (or margarita/gossip session) in sometime soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am not one for confrontation, especially arguing online! Thank you for your comments. It’s great to know I’m not alone, and great to know SAHMs did not take offense to this! I hope you also get some guilt free time of your own soon! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That you so much for posting! I am quite frankly just tired of the whole SAHM vs working mom arguments that are all over, but it really does hurt when SAHM get all complainy about being a SAHM when I’d give anything to be there! Yes, there are challenges for EVERYONE, whether you’re a SAHM, working mom or anyone else for that matter. I would love for moms of all kinds to just be supportive of each other.

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  3. Reblogged this on noorsabrka and commented:
    This is very important, as a stay at home mum, I dont know the first hand experience of being a working mum, although i do study part time (undergrad psych). So i can say with full confidence, neither one is “easier than the other”. They both have their stressors, and it’s not all the same stories for every parent. As parents we do what is the best for our child, whether that is being by their side 24/7 or working for that little bit extra income. With either option, mothers and women in general should never condemn one another or be little. What choice others make has no concern to you, but be supportive where you can and do not interject your opinion if it has not been insisted upon. Sometimes, we just like to verbalise things for purely our own sake, without others judging or commenting. Just listening.

    To every mother out there, keep up the amazing work.

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