21 Day Fix Starts Tomorrow

I spent the past week tracking my food and trying to fit in ways to be active.  Tomorrow I officially start my 21 Day Fix.

I picked 21 Day fix because each work out is about 30 minutes long.  With a 4 month old, time is my main struggle.  I’m still not 100% sure when I will fit the workouts in.  I already wake up at 5:15 am to get ready for work.  Baby gets dropped off at daycare at 7:15am and I have a 45 minute commute to work.  I get off at 5pm, and get to daycare by 5:45pm.  I then get home (6pm) and feed the baby.  By the time the baby is fed, I have dinner, and the dishes are cleaned up- It is about 7:30pm.  There is only and hour and a half to spend with my baby before it is time to start getting him ready for bed (and this doesn’t count giving him a bath.)  If I could actually lay him down at 9pm and him go straight to sleep.  I would do my work out then.  But he has yet to get into the swing of going to sleep at a set time.  We start bedtime at 9pm, but sometimes I do not get him to go to sleep until 10-10:30pm.  This is then my time to get his things packed for the next day.  Also, if I work out now- I still need to shower after the work out.  This will not cut down on my morning routine, because I am someone who HAS to shower every morning, or I will feel dirty and gross all day.

So, I am thinking I am going to try getting up at 4:45 am and see if I can give a true effort at that time.

Wish me luck!!!